
Negros Occidental

Cauayan News

  • Freedom In Freediving

    Freedom In Freediving

    How long can you hold your breath?

    Training in the art (and sport) of freediving, I have learned that the usual urge to breathe comes between one and one 1/2 minutes, and it is a mental challenge to overcome it. There is a certain peace and quiet when you're underwater down to more than 10 meters (more than 30 feet) ??" still shallow to many freedivers ??" and in my first time to descend around this depth and to feel that I no longer crave for air, this peace of mind became a euphoric feeling. It felt like freedom, it's almost being suspended in flight, and my body has become part of the oc ...

  • Swimming With Sea Turtles

    Swimming With Sea Turtles

    Mitakuye Oyasin an old Native American adage which means "we are all connected" very much reflects my experience over the weekend.

    Sea turtles are unique creatures, they travel around the world to feed in specific spots and come back to their birth-island to lay eggs. How sea turtles live their life gives me a picture of how small the world is and how connected places are.

    Swimming with the sea turtles at Apo Island Protected Landscape and Seascape was the highlight of my learning exchange trip organized by Communities First-Creative Initiatives for Development between the communities of ...

  • Changing The World

    Changing The World

    I for Change has been the catchy theme for a host of activities in April to celebrate Earth Month. It signifies that one act to help the environment and be environmentally aware can make a difference.

    Organized by the Philippine Reef & Rainforest Conservation Foundation (PRRCF) Earth Month celebrations, which started one April 1 with a fund- raiser art exhibit at the Orange Gallery, will reach a climax on Saturday, April 30 with a fun run and a concert.

    The Earth Month 'I RUN for FUN' run kicks off at 5am on Saturday at the newly-opened Art District behind Lopue's Mandalagan. It will fea ...

  • Danjugan Island Travel Guide More Than A Wildlife Sanctuary

    Danjugan Island Travel Guide More Than A Wildlife Sanctuary

    Leaving Sipalay was heartbreaking. We could have stayed longer if time permitted. Due to the uncooperative weather condition, we missed some of its priced natural attractions, which made us feel that the trip is incomplete. Also, I will surely miss the acquaintance I made, especially the staffs of Easy Diving and Beach Resort, who had been very helpful.

    To negate the sadness, I thought of good memories and better pictures of what lies ahead of our adventure. Danjugan Island was our next stop after Sipalay. The stunning photographs of its lagoons and surrounding beaches started to populate m ...

  • More Than Just An Island Exploring Danjugan Negros Occidental

    More Than Just An Island Exploring Danjugan Negros Occidental

    Imagine waking up to the sun kissing your face as you hear the waves greet you a good morning. The tukos (geckos) are ready for the day as well, while they stare at you from the bamboo lined ceiling until you're convinced to get up and get your day going. A typical morning in the island of Danjugan.

    Danjugan Island is a marine and bird sanctuary located at the southwestern part of Negros Occidental. It was once an area highly threatened for dynamite fishing, but it's now protected and ran by PRRCFI (Philippine Reef and Rainforest Conservation Foundation Inc.). According to its website, the ...

  • Danjugan Island Natures Sanctuary

    Danjugan Island Natures Sanctuary

    Just off the shore of mainland Negros Occidental is different from any other island in many ways. Viewing its lush green expanse as you approach the island and seeing the corals in the shallows below you through the crystal clear water already hints at the unsullied, natural beauty that is all too uncommon in our world today.

    Before being admitted into the island, guests are given an orientation about the unique island experience that awaits them. "We are not after crowds coming to the island. We have a limited carrying capacity and we respect that capacity everyday," says Dave Albao, execu ...