
Capiz News

  • DPWH Told Not To Alter Historic Capiz Bridge

    DPWH Told Not To Alter Historic Capiz Bridge

    The National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) will not allow the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) to alter the century-old bridge in Roxas City, the provincial capital of Capiz.

    ?The NHCP strongly recommends the preservation of Capiz Bridge,? said NHCP Chairman Rene Escalante in a letter addressed to DPWH Director for Western Visayas Wenceslao Lea?o Jr.

    NHCP had been amenable to DPWH?s plan to expand the bridge, but changed its position after receiving a letter from Mayor Angel Alan Celino.

    Celino said the people of Roxas vehemently opposed alteration of t ...

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  • Coming Home To Cam Norte

    Coming Home To Cam Norte

    UP until the late-1990s, commuters to the Bicol region consider Camarines Norte a pit stop for a toilet break to the passengers and a free meal to the bus crew in a run-of-the-mill roadside eatery.

    I myself spent my younger years repeatedly passing what seemed to be an eternity of road twists and turns, which have earned the province the unofficial title of ?Zigzag Capital?.

    With the opening of the Quirino Highway in 1998, nearly all Bicol-bound buses skipped it, trimming travel time to two hours by skipping the 89-kilometers zigzag road and doing the meal stop elsewhere.

    Ironically, ...

  • Capiz Exploring Places In Roxas City On DIY Travel Guide 3D 2N Itinerary

    Capiz Exploring Places In Roxas City On DIY Travel Guide 3D 2N Itinerary

    I took a break from soloing and dragged my folks with me on a 9-day journey in and around Panay. To kick-off our Panay Island escapade, we sought for Roxas City, the capital of Capiz, as our first stop. We've spent 3D/2N in Exploring Places in Roxas City on DIY. Roxas City is an emerging economic city, 460 kilometers southeast of Manila. Also known as the Seafood Capital of the Philippines, it supplies the nation with most of the freshest seafood.

  • Sea Turtles Rescued Released

    Two green sea turtles locally known as "pawikan" were tagged and released by the Provincial Environment and Natural Resources Office (PENRO) and Bantay Dagat (sea patrollers) of Ivisan town last June 10 at Sapi-an Bay.

    The recent release of the marine turtles back to their habitat makes the total number of rescued and released pawikans to 12 based on PENRO records from January to June 10 this year.

    The 12 green sea turtles were all rescued by Ivisan fishermen.

    It was learned that the local government unit of Ivisan gives incentives to fishermen who rescue and turnover sea turtles to B ...

  • A Spectacle Of Folk Culture In Capizs Festival

    A Spectacle Of Folk Culture In Capizs Festival

    In the late afternoon of April 23, Villareal Stadium in Roxas City, Capiz, bustled with eager spectators and harried but high-spirited performers in vibrant costumes of traditional attires, monsters and glittering gowns. One by one, the performing groups, representing their towns, roused the crowds with music and dances depicting the stories and cultures of their towns in the first street dancing event of the Capiztahan, the Western Visayan province's festival.

    Capiztahan, portmanteau of Capiz and kapistahan, meaning "feasting" or fiesta, was held this year from April 21 to 23 to celebrate ...

  • Barangay Eyed As Wetland Of Intl Importance

    Barangay Eyed As Wetland Of Intl Importance

    During the Feb. 2 observance of World Wetlands Day in Western Visayas, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) marked the occasion in the island barangay of Gabuc in Pontevedra, Capiz.

    There was a cleanup and a forum. But why Barangay Gabuc?

    DENR said the village is being considered for possible application as a wetland of international importance, or a "Ramsar site."

    Ramsar is a city in Iran. It was where the Ramsar Convention ??" an international treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of wetlands, also known as the Convention on Wetlands ??" was signed in ...

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