
Misamis Oriental

Claveria News

  • The Higaonons Of Mintapod Weavers Of The Cloth Of Peace

    An elderly Higaonon woman stands before a loom where dyed lanot or abaca fibers have been arranged, ready for weaving into a textile called hinabol. She then applies beeswax to the warp threads using a wooden stick called dalahot. The beeswax would prevent the breakage of threads during weaving.

    It takes a weaver like her several days to finish a piece of hinabol or woven hemp. Each time she produces a foot-long fabric, she has to roll it up so that she can continue eaving the remaining warp threads on the loom. And to think that the process described above is just one of many steps involve ...

  • Caring For Traditions To Safeguard The Future

    One of my favorite places is Mintapod, nestled on the slopes of the Kimangkil Mountain Range, Bukidnon province, Mindanao in southern Philippines. I love it not only for its breathtaking beauty but also because the indigenous peoples living there, the Higaonon, have managed to maintain the Indigenous Knowledge Skills and Practices (IKSPs) that protect its forested mountains. It is only fitting that the Mintapod Declaration was affirmed and signed there.

    The Mintapod Declaration is an agreement of five Higaonon ancestral domains, represented by their traditional leaders called datu, to prote ...

  • Lumads Trained To Protect Bukidnon Wildlife

    Higaonon tribesmen finished a three-day training workshop in protecting wildlife in Bukidnon's Mount Kimangkil Range, where endangered species like the Philippine Eagle are found.

    Last August 16, the female Philippine Eagle Pamana was found dead by Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) biologists and forest guards at the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary (MHRWS) in Davao Oriental.

    "If all forests and endangered wildlife are under the close watch of equipped and empowered Indigenous peoples like the Higaonon Bantay Lakasan, incidents like what happened to eagle Pamana could have been av ...

  • Eagle Foundation Empower IP To Help Protect Eagles Biodiversity

    Eagle Foundation Empower IP To Help Protect Eagles Biodiversity

    An official of the Philippine Eagle Foundation on Monday sounded the call to further empower Indigenous People (IP) and their communities toward guarding key biodiversity areas and avert the avoidable killing of the endangered Philippine Eagle.

    "The shooting of eagles has always been going on. Unfortunately, it has not been given sufficient attention and focus. It is unfortunate it's only now that the whole nation is becoming aware of the endangered and protected status of the eagles after the death of Pamana," Jayson IbaƱez, director for research and conservation of the Philippine Eagle F ...

  • Higaonon Datu First Asian To Win Forest Protection Award

    Higaonon Datu First Asian To Win Forest Protection Award

    Higaonon tribal leader Amay Mantangkilan Cumatang is the first Asian to win the Darryl Posey Fellowship Award from the International Society of Ethnobiology, Dr. Mary Stockdale, the group's co-chair, said.

    Stockdale represented the ISE on Wednesday in the local awarding of the fellowship to Cumatang, whom she described to have possessed "wisdom and courage as his most distinct traits."

    In the plaque's citation, the ISE noted that Cumatang won the award "in recognition of his lifetime's service dedicated to protecting and passing on his cultural heritage and ancestral forests, for the ben ...

  • Higaonon Chieftain To Be Feted For Forest Protection Works

    For his "proven leadership in community forestry and strong guidance in the protection of Mt. Kimangkil," one of the sacred mountains in Northern Mindanao, Higaonon tribal leader Amay Mantangkilan Cumatang of Impasugong, Bukidnon would be given local honors next week.

    Cumatang was awarded with the Darrell Posey Fellowship Program during the 13th Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology (ISE) in France in May 2012.

    The local awarding of the fellowship is on Wednesday at The Garden here. It is organized by the non-government organizations Non-Timber Forest Products-Task Force ...