Mount Kimangkil

Claveria, Misamis Oriental

Mount Kimangkil Range is located in barangay Minalwang, Claveria, Misamis Oriental. Mt. Kimangkil is within the 14,300 hectares of Higaonon ancestral domain in Impasug-ong, which is covered by Certificate of Ancestral Domain Title (CADT) No. R10-IMP-1206-054 issued by the NCIP.

Mount Kimangkil News

  • Safeguarding The Philippine Eagle

    Safeguarding The Philippine Eagle

    The increase in protected areas consists of:

    The Indigenous Obu Manuvu Tribal Council of Baguio District declaring a Pusaka (Indigenous Protected Area) of nearly 15,000 ha of ancestral lands that includes two eagle nesting sites.

    A proposed Indigenous and Community Conserved Area (ICCA) at Tago-Kimangkil Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) totalling 4,000 ha of eagle habitat (including two eagle territories).

    A proposed national "Critical Habitat" at the Lituban-Quipit KBA in Zamboanga covering 1,300 ha of forest.

    Population rediscovered

    Jayson's team, along with other project partners ...

  • DENR UNDP Embark On 6.78 Million Dollar Program To Protect Sacred Tribal Grounds

    The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) will embark on a $6.78-million project to boost environmental protection and biodiversity-conservation efforts in tribal sacred grounds, or indigenous community conserved areas (ICCA), in the Philippines.

    The project, called "Strengthening National Systems to Improve Governance and Management of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities Conserved Areas and Territories (Philippines ICCA Project) will be implemented by the DENR Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Nat ...

  • Lumads Trained To Protect Bukidnon Wildlife

    Higaonon tribesmen finished a three-day training workshop in protecting wildlife in Bukidnon's Mount Kimangkil Range, where endangered species like the Philippine Eagle are found.

    Last August 16, the female Philippine Eagle Pamana was found dead by Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) biologists and forest guards at the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary (MHRWS) in Davao Oriental.

    "If all forests and endangered wildlife are under the close watch of equipped and empowered Indigenous peoples like the Higaonon Bantay Lakasan, incidents like what happened to eagle Pamana could have been av ...

  • Lumads Trained To Protect Bukidnon Wildlife

    Higaonon tribesmen finished a three-day training workshop in protecting wildlife in Bukidnon's Mount Kimangkil Range, where endangered species like the Philippine Eagle are found.

    Last August 16, the female Philippine Eagle Pamana was found dead by Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) biologists and forest guards at the Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary (MHRWS) in Davao Oriental.

    "If all forests and endangered wildlife are under the close watch of equipped and empowered Indigenous peoples like the Higaonon Bantay Lakasan, incidents like what happened to eagle Pamana could have been av ...

  • Higaonons Commit To Guarding Biodiversity At Mt Kimangkil

    Bantay Kalasan (Forest Guards) of the Indigenous Higaonon tribe who are the traditional guar-dians of the Mt Kimangkil Range in Bukidnon undergoes training with the National Commission on Indigenous Peoples (NCIP), Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) and the Philippine Eagle Foundation (PEF) from August 26-28, 2015 at Chali Beach Resort, this city to strengthen their stewardship over the unique bio-diversity and natural resources within their ancestral lands.

    The three-day training which also includes a session to develop a three-year forest conservation plan is part of t ...

  • Eagle Foundation Empower IP To Help Protect Eagles Biodiversity

    Eagle Foundation Empower IP To Help Protect Eagles Biodiversity

    An official of the Philippine Eagle Foundation on Monday sounded the call to further empower Indigenous People (IP) and their communities toward guarding key biodiversity areas and avert the avoidable killing of the endangered Philippine Eagle.

    "The shooting of eagles has always been going on. Unfortunately, it has not been given sufficient attention and focus. It is unfortunate it's only now that the whole nation is becoming aware of the endangered and protected status of the eagles after the death of Pamana," Jayson IbaƱez, director for research and conservation of the Philippine Eagle F ...