Dunoy Lake Philippine Crocodile Sanctuary

San Mariano, Isabela

The Dunoy Lake Philippine Crocodile Sanctuary is located in San Mariano, Isabela.

Dunoy Lake Philippine Crocodile Sanctuary News

  • Tracking A Radio Tagged Philippine Crocodile In Dunoy San Mariano

    A team of community crocodile sanctuary guards and Mabuwaya Foundation staff tracks a radio-tagged juvenile Philippine crocodile in Dunoy, San Mariano, Isabela Province. This crocodile was born in the wild in San Mariano, raised under protective conditions until it was 2 years old,and then released with a radio transmitter in the Dunoy Lake Philippine crocodile sanctuary. The team is in a for a surprise when they finally track the crocodile down.

  • Tracking a Radio-tagged Philippine Crocodile In Dunoy San Mariano

    A team of community crocodile sanctuary guards and Mabuwaya Foundationstaff tracks a radio-tagged juvenile Philippine crocodile in Dunoy, San Mariano, Isabela Province. This crocodile was born in the wild in San Mariano, raised under protective conditions until it was 2 years old,and then released with a radio transmitter in the Dunoy Lake Philippine crocodile sanctuary. The team is in a for a surprise when they finallytrack the crocodile down....

  • Crocs Escaped From Isabela Sanctuary

    Dozens of crocodiles have reportedly escaped from their sanctuary in typhoon-hit Isabela.

    An initial report from radio dzMM said around 50 crocodiles escaped from a sanctuary in San Mariano town that was allegedly damaged by typhoon Juan.

    One man was reportedly injured after being bitten by one of the crocodiles.

    Isabela Governor Faustino Dy could not confirm the rumoured escape of the carnivorous reptiles during an interview Wednesday with Vic Lima and Karen Davila in their radio program "Pasada Sais Trena."
    Dy, however, said there are indeed crocodile sanctuaries in the province.

  • Filipino Conservationist Wins Prize For Rebranding Worlds Rarest Crocodile

    Filipino Conservationist Wins Prize For Rebranding Worlds Rarest Crocodile

    Marites Gatan Balbas has won a Whitley award for her work involving local communities in the protection of the 'misunderstood' Philippine crocodile
    For Marites Gatan Balbas, saving the world's rarest crocodile has been as much about overcoming its image problem as more traditional conservation efforts.

    Traditional stories depicted the Philippine crocodile as a large man-eater, farmers saw them as pests and the animal is frequently used as a symbol to represent corrupt politicians. But in reality, she explains, the species is relatively small, shy and friendly and does not attacked unless p ...

  • 12 Rare Baby Crocodiles Freed In Isabela Lake

    Seven-year-old Josh Geronimo held a baby Philippine crocodile (Crocodylus mindorensis) here on Saturday and exclaimed, "Oh, it smells good."

    Geronimo, a Canadian citizen, said the crocodile did not emit any foul odor or reeked of fishy smell but he complained about the reptile's scaly body, which he described as spiny.

    Geronimo was among the guests who witnessed the release of 12 baby Philippine crocodiles into the Dunoy Lake in Barangay (village) Dibuluan in this town in Isabela province on Saturday.

    Staff members of Mabuwaya Foundation, students from Isabela State University and ...

  • Crocs On A Truck Talking Crocodiles And Tennis With Michel Lacoste

    On May 19, Lacoste S.A. Chairman Michel Lacoste boarded a 6 x 6 truck in San Mariano, Isabela with a dozen 2-year-old crocodiles. The juvenile crocodiles belong to the severely endangered species Crocodylus mindorensis or Philippine crocodile (local name: bukarot). This small freshwater species found only in this country will become extinct in ten years if no conservation action is taken. (The enormous celebrity crocodile Lolong is of a saltwater species originating in Australia.)

    The 12 crocs on the truck had been raised from hatchlings in the crocodile rearing station in San Mariano opera ...