Disulap River Philippines Crocodile Sanctuary

San Mariano, Isabela

Disulap River Philippines Crocodile Sanctuary is declared as a sanctuary of the Philippines Crocodile, which is 2m above the water-level on a steep slope of the river behind large boulders, located in San Mariano, Isabela.

Disulap River Philippines Crocodile Sanctuary News

  • Crocs Escaped From Isabela Sanctuary

    Dozens of crocodiles have reportedly escaped from their sanctuary in typhoon-hit Isabela.

    An initial report from radio dzMM said around 50 crocodiles escaped from a sanctuary in San Mariano town that was allegedly damaged by typhoon Juan.

    One man was reportedly injured after being bitten by one of the crocodiles.

    Isabela Governor Faustino Dy could not confirm the rumoured escape of the carnivorous reptiles during an interview Wednesday with Vic Lima and Karen Davila in their radio program "Pasada Sais Trena."
    Dy, however, said there are indeed crocodile sanctuaries in the province.

  • Taking local action to save the worlds rarest crocodile

    Taking local action to save the worlds rarest crocodile

    The endemic and critically endangered Philippine crocodile is one of the rarest animals on the planet. Although respected by indigenous communities, the crocodiles have an image problem with outsiders. To many they are viewed as man-eaters and are even associated with corrupt politicians! In reality, the crocodile is small and will not attack people unless provoked.


    Previously widely distributed throughout the Philippines, this species is now only found in Northern Luzon and South-western Mindanao Islands. Occurring mostly outside of protected areas, crocodiles are threatene ...

  • Crocodile Protectors In Isabela Get P71 000 Cash Assistance

    Crocodile Protectors In Isabela Get P71 000 Cash Assistance

    An environment group has distributed at least P71,000 cash assistance to crocodile protectors in this town.

    According to Merlijn Van Weerd, Mabuwaya Foundation executive director, the money was disbursed to barangay officials in three villages: P35,000 for Barangay Disulap, P34,000 for Barangay Cadsalan, and P2,000 for Barangay San Jose.

    The cash assistance is part of the foundation's C4 project, Cash for Community Conserving Crocodiles.

    The foundation earlier earmarked P1,000 cash assistance to villagers for each crocodile released and protected within the sanctuaries in the province ...

  • Crocs With Radio Signals Released Into Isabela Wild

    Nineteen juvenile freshwater crocodiles embedded with radio transmitters were released in a lake in a far-flung Isabela village Thursday, in a bid to save the world's most critically endangered species of crocodile.

    The 19 Philippine Crocodiles (scientific name Crocodylus mindorensis) were released in a lake in Sitio Dunoy in Dibuluan village of this upland municipality, in an activity spearheaded by the non-government Mabuwaya Foundation.

    Merlijn Van Weerd, the foundation's project director, said the release of the young crocodiles, measuring on average 1.5 feet, is both historic and si ...

  • Crocs Escaped From Isabela Sanctuary

    Crocs Escaped From Isabela Sanctuary

    Dozens of crocodiles have reportedly escaped from their sanctuary in typhoon-hit Isabela.

    An initial report from radio dzMM said around 50 crocodiles escaped from a sanctuary in San Mariano town that was allegedly damaged by typhoon Juan.

    One man was reportedly injured after being bitten by one of the crocodiles.

    Isabela Governor Faustino Dy could not confirm the rumoured escape of the carnivorous reptiles during an interview Wednesday with Vic Lima and Karen Davila in their radio program "Pasada Sais Trena."

    Dy, however, said there are indeed crocodile sanctuaries in the province. ...