Anghalo Falls

San Felipe, Zambales

Anghalo Falls is located in Sitio Liwliwa, Barangay Balicaquing, San Felipe, Zambales. The falls is approximately eight feet deep during rainy season and its clear and cold water.

Anghalo Falls News

  • Silanguin Cove A Random Road Trip

    Silanguin Cove A Random Road Trip

    It seems a scary thought ??" going out with a group of strangers to an undisclosed place for the weekend. But that's exactly what I signed up for, and so here I am now, with a group of eight ladies, riding in the van at the break of dawn, heading somewhere north.

    This trip is the first of the year for the Experience Philippines, a travel company that conducts "random" trips to various places in the Philippines ??" and by random, it means participants don't know the exact destination. Part of the appeal is discovering where you're headed with your companions.

    It seems fun, and I've been i ...

  • Awesome Things To Do In San Felipe Zambales Over The Weekend

    Awesome Things To Do In San Felipe Zambales Over The Weekend

    The weekend is the best time to unwind, go out of town, and try out new activities. People have ventured out to Zambales that is just a three to four-hour drive from Manila. Besides the usual beach plan, there are a number of things to do in San Felipe Zambales. Make the most of them all! We assure you they'll fill up your itinerary over the weekend.

    1, Trekking

    Thanks to Mount Pinatubo's explosion back in 1991, remnants of its ashes still remain. The landscape is absolutely majestic, with the mountain range in sight. Some parts still consist of a whitish gray sandy floor that intensely ...

  • Guide To Lubong-Nangoloan Falls Anghalo Falls Update

    Guide To Lubong-Nangoloan Falls Anghalo Falls Update

    This updated guide to Anghalo Falls came into mind when "playing tourist" recently visited the waterfalls as a side trip of Sitio Liwliwa in San Felipe Zambales day tour.

    Because we've been to these waterfalls several times since it was introduced by a friend six years ago (2010), we decided to have a visit while our other friends stayed at Liwliwa. We only brought our snacks and our fare for the tricycle back and forth which is two hundred pesos. While traveling to the jump off the driver started talking and he mentioned the change of route to the waterfalls. He also told us that there is ...

  • How To Get To Anghalo Falls - San Felipe Zambales

    How To Get To Anghalo Falls - San Felipe Zambales

    After several months of not posting on my blog, I finally had the time to share my tours and outings with my friends. This post should have been published October last year but for some reason my laptop stopped working and had to delay my posts until I get a new one. My friends are happy to learn that my blogging will continue and they also told me to contribute on this blog.

    Oh well the blogging begins...

    Anghalo Falls is situated in Barangay Balicaquing San Felipe, Zambales. From Olongapo City, we spent an hour on a bus bound to Iba, Zambales. The fare was seventy five pesos. We s ...