Sierra Cave

Penablanca, Cagayan

Sierra Cave is one of the limestone caves located in the Municipality of Penablanca, Cagayan province, in the Philippines. The seven-chamber show cave is one of 300 caves that dot the area and the best known natural tourist attractions of the province.

Sierra Cave has two entrances - one for tourists and another for experienced cavers. The biggest challenge is crawling through a ve ...

ry low and narrow opening called Celica's Passage. Cavers though are rewarded by formations inside that include flowstones, columns and draperies.

Sierra Cave and the other caves are situated in the western foothills of the Northern Sierra Madre Mountains of the Philippines. They are situated within the Penablanca Protected Landscape and Seascape, which stretches from the caves to the eastern shores of Penablanca town in the Pacific Ocean.

Sierra Cave News

  • Travel Cagayan Chronicles Tuguegarao And Penablanca

    Travel Cagayan Chronicles Tuguegarao And Penablanca

    Tuguegarao is a city in the land-locked region of Cagayan Valley up north (not to be confused with Cagayan de Oro down south). Bordering it are the Cordillera Mountain Range in the west, the Sierra Madre in the east, the Caraballo Mountains in the south and the Luzon straight in the north.

    It was also the first stop on my recent backpacking trip. Tuguegarao became our homebase since the tourist spot I wanted to see ??" the Callao Cave ??" is actually located in a different municipality, some 30-minute "trisi" ride away in Peñablanca.

    There are no jeepneys nor taxis in Tuguegarao. Their ...

  • Discover Sierra Cave in Cagayan

    Discover Sierra Cave in Cagayan

    The Sierra Cave is a living cave found in Cagayan Valley. It is located in the town of Peñablanca and one of the over 300 known caves that have been documented by the National Museum of the Philippines in the province of Cagayan, which is dubbed as "the Caving Capital of the Philippines". The Sierra Cave is especially known for its many interesting and beautiful geological formations. Fossils of prehistoric species can also be seen embedded in the ceiling of the cave. Among these fossilized specimens are the remains of marine creatures such as shells, which may be taken as proof that the cave ...

  • Caving Adventure Capital of the Philippines

    Caving Adventure Capital of the Philippines

    If you want to experience caving adventures that never ends, you don't need to go far. Cagayan province boasts of various caves, which had been considered as top destinations in the Philippines.

    Peñablanca, a town which is a few kilometers away from Tuguegarao City is home to about 300 caves. The town got its name for its abundant limestone formations ??" Peña means rock; Blanca means white. It is dubbed as the "Caving Adventure Capital of the Philippines." It offers easy caving, educational caving and technical caving.

    Callao Caves is one of the over 300 known caves that have been doc ...

  • Going Subterranean in the Living Sierra Cave in Penablanca

    Going Subterranean in the Living Sierra Cave in Penablanca

    For the more adventurous type, Sierra Cave, which is a very short distance from Callao Cave offers a lot more excitement with numerous cave formations in its pitch-black environs. We had our lunch after the Callao Cave exploration and then set off for a short hike up from the road. The cave mouth is barred with gates but since we informed them ahead, Ted was able to secure the key. Sierra Cave is one of my favorite caves because it's a perfect example of a living cave which is ideal for studying various rock formations. Below I'm sharing an excerpt from an article I wrote back in 2005 for a ma ...

  • Sierra Cave spelunking and kayaking in the Pinacanauan River

    Sierra Cave spelunking and kayaking in the Pinacanauan River

    Cagayan is positioning itself as the Caving Capital of the Philippines. And it has great spelunking options for beginners and serious cave enthusiasts.

    The most popular of course are the caves in the Peñablanca Protected Landscapes and Seascapes, particularly Callao Cave. But a better-preserved and less-visited cave also within the Callao Ecotourism Zone is nearby Sierra Cave. It's a 20-meter steep climb to get to the entrance. But navigating inside is manageable.

    The crystal and limestone formations inside are still continuously forming. Which is why they take extra care in protecting ...