
Abra News

  • Casamata Hill National Park PAMB To Be More Resolved Of Its Role

    Casamata Hill National Park PAMB To Be More Resolved Of Its Role

    Members of the Casamata Hill National Park ??" Protected Area Management Board (CHNP-PAMB) in Bangued , Abra have picked up some learnings from the Upper Agno River Basin Resource Reserve (UARBRR) ??" PAMB on asserting their role in the management of their protected areas.

    The CHNP-PAMB of Bangued visited and had interaction with their fellow PAMB of the UARBRR of Baguio City last May 11 to observe how the UARBRR-PAMB implement their policies over the protected areas under their care even with existing claimants prior to the proclamation of their PAMB.

    The role of the UAR ...

  • Uncovering Abra

    Uncovering Abra

    Abra may not be the first destination that comes to mind when one thinks of exploring the northern region of the Philippines, but thankfully, more tourists are unraveling the air of mystery surrounding this underrated gem of a province up north.

    There's so much to discover in Abra, which boasts beautiful tourist attractions, one-of-a-kind Abel fabrics, and the merriest festivals that should be on every traveler's bucket list of experiences.

    As proof of its festival-loving culture (they have at least seven major ones), Abra held its centennial celebration from March 1 to 13, led by Govern ...

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  • Mt Bullagao Sleeping Beauty Of Abra

    Mt Bullagao Sleeping Beauty Of Abra

    Strategically located in the Northern Cordilleras and lying in the middle of several provinces ??" Ilocos Sur, Ilocos Norte, Apayao, Kalinga, and Mountain Province ??" Abra is full of exciting hiking possibilities. Now that the peace and order situation has (somewhat) improved, these possibilities are opening up, and foremost of them is Mt. Bullagao ??" a prominent landmark that can be viewed from Bangued and other parts of Abra and Ilocos Sur.

    This mountain, also known to locals as the "Sleeping Beauty" because ??" as with Makiling and others ??" it is shaped like a maiden lying down ??" i ...

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  • Uncharted Territories Abra Part I

    Uncharted Territories Abra Part I

    Often an overlooked destination and a blank canvass on the tourist map, the province of Abra for the longest time is still managing its way to become one of the next up and coming destinations in the country. With its location and being relatively near the top tourist destinations in the Northern Luzon, shadowed by the great Ilocandia and the mighty Cordilleras, only a few eager and brave travelers and backpackers alike have set foot into this intriguing province.

    The province hid from the call of tourism mostly because of the negative notions set by the local media tagging Abra's publicity ...

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  • The Maeng Women A Study In Gender Empowerment

    Wilma Saguiyod-Gattud served three consecutive terms (from 2004-2013) as mayor of Tubo, Abra, a municipality populated by the Maeng tribe. The tribe is recognized as the first ethnic group to have successfully joined their traditional governance system, which they call 'dap-ay', with that of the country's standard political practices. In dap-ay, the community's Council of Elders chooses its government leaders, with achievements, reputation and popular support as the criteria for selection. In accordance with the mandate of the Local Government Code of 1991, whoever is chosen participates unopp ...

  • Dapil Fest Promotes Industry And Unity Of The People

    Dapil Fest Promotes Industry And Unity Of The People

    A sustained tradition of industry and unity is this town's Dapil Festival's theme in its staging this year.

    Dapil Festival, coined from the term "Panagdapil" which is the traditional method of extracting sugarcane juice is the brainchild of then Sangguniang Panlalawigan Member Maria Jocelyn Bernos, now Governor of Abra.

    Originally, panagdapil is tedious and laborious but just like any other arduous labor, the fruit is sweet and satisfying especially with by-products molasses, sugar, vinegar and "basi" (wine) mainly sold to town markets in the province and in areas in northern Luzon.
