Rasa Island Wildlife Sanctuary

Narra, Palawan

Rasa Island Wildlife Sanctuary is located in Panacan, Narra, Palawan and has a size of 1983 hectares.

Rasa Island and Wildlife Sanctuary News

  • Endangered Bird Species Cockatoo

    Endangered Bird Species Cockatoo

    Penal authorities, village leaders, and conservationists renewed a memorandum of agreement designed to protect the critically endangered Philippine cockatoo or "katala" inside the Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm.

    The covenant covers the conservation, protection, management, and preservation of the bird species known nesting and foraging grounds in 10 barangays in Puerto Princesa City.

    "Perhaps, unknown to our knowledge, the lowland forest of Iwahig is the third most important habitat of the katala," said Indira Dayang Lacerna-Widmann, chief operations officer of the Katala Foundation Inc.

  • Iwahig, 10 Villages Commit Anew To Conserve 'Katala'

    Iwahig, 10 Villages Commit Anew To Conserve 'Katala'

    The Iwahig Prison and Penal Farm (IPPF) and 10 villages in Puerto Princesa City signed Friday a new agreement for the fourth year of implementation of the biodiversity conservation of the Philippine cockatoo or "katala."

    The conservation pact for 2019 is a renewal of commitment of the IPPF and the barangays to conserve, protect, manage, and preserve the known nesting and foraging grounds of the critically endangered katala (Cacatua haematuropygia).

    Indira Dayang Lacerna-Widmann, chief operations officer of the Katala Foundation, Inc. (KFI), explained the signing of the memorandum of agre ...

  • Philippine Cockatoo

    Rasa island, a declared protected area in Narra holds the highest living population in he wild of Red-vented Philippine Cockatoo, locally known as Katala.

  • Hope And The Katala

    Hope And The Katala

    The Philippine Cockatoo (or Red-vented Cockatoo) is classified as Critically Endangered, which means that the risk for its becoming extinct in the wild is very high! Once fairly common throughout its range, it has suffered greatly in the past decades from habitat loss and the pet trade.

  • Taking An Endangered Bird Under Her Wing

    Taking An Endangered Bird Under Her Wing

    Once feared to be on the brink of extinction, the Philippine cockatoo, also known as katala, is slowly thriving, thanks to an environmentalist whose work with the iconic bird's remaining wild population in Palawan province won her the "Green Oscars" of the conservation community.

    Indira Lacerna-Widmann, director of the Philippine Cockatoo Conservation Program, last week received the prestigious Whitley Awards in London, conferred by Princess Ann, along with six other environmentalists from different countries.

    The award from the Whitley Fund for Nature recognizes "effective local conserv ...

  • DENR-BMB Lauds House Moves To Hasten Passage Of E-Nipas Bills

    DENR-BMB Lauds House Moves To Hasten Passage Of E-Nipas Bills

    An official of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) on Wednesday lauded congressional moves to consolidate two bills that seek to expand the coverage of the National Integrated Protected Areas System (Nipas) Act to fast-track the bill's approval.

    "With the consolidation of the two bills, we expect faster deliberation of the proposed measure," Director Theresa Mundita S. Lim of the DENR's Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) told the BusinessMirror in an interview.

    A bill that seeks to widen the coverage of Expanded Nipas to include 92 protected areas (PA) under Nipa ...