Taawt Bato People Taut Bato

The Taaw't Bato or Tau't Bato means "people of the rock". They are not actually a separate language or ethnic group, but rather a small community of traditional southwestern Palawanos who happen to reside in the crater of an extinct volcano during certain seasons of the year, in houses built on raised floors inside caves though others have set their homes on the open slopes.

They are found in the Singnapan Basin, a valley bounded by Mount Matalingahan on the east and the coast on the west. North of them is the municipality of Quezon and to the South are the still unexplored regions of Palawan.

They are swidden cultivators, practicing multiple cropping with cassava as the major source of carbohydrate. They also produce sweet potato, sugarcane, malungay, garlic, pepper, string beans, squash, tomato, pineapple, etc. Throughout the year, hunting and forging is pursued to complement the carbohydrate diet of the people. Most of the wild pigs are caught through spring traps.

They also indulge the sambi (barter) and dagang (monetary exchange). The trade is specifically for marine fish which the people of Candawaga provide in exchange for horticultural products of the Taaw't-Bato. Dagang involves forest products like the almaciga, rattan, etc.

Because of their uniqueness, the Philippine government declared their area off limits to strangers to protect them from unreasonable exploitation. This tribe subsists on hunting, gathering fruits and planting crops and rice near the forest.[6] However the tribe have recently come under threat from mining concessions that have been granted.

In particular the communities living around the Mt. Gangtong and Mantalingahan range have been affected by claims upon their land for nickel mining. This is despite measures that were taken to prevent events like this from happening as prior claims for mining are still valid.

One of the main attractions in Palawan and probably in the Philippines is the Tau’t Bato Tribe or the cave dwelling people. They inhabitat the Singnapan Basin located in Barangay Ransang, Municipality of Rizal, Palawan. The basin, a crater-like structure found on the western side of the volcanic Mount Mantalingahan – the highest peak in the island, is in reality a huge sinkhole some 176 hectares. During the geological periods, the area was originally a plateau, which was eroded into a basin by the river through chemical and physical action. The river then worked itself underground to form ...

5Mo / A / F / Palawan

The Tau´t Bato have been officially discovered in the 1970th. Due to the fact that they live in a hidden valley with out any roads or direct accsess to the valley. You have to hike over the mountains to visit them. Tau´t Bato means "Rock People" because this tribe is known to live in caves.

11Mo / A / F / Palawan

"They walked for hours in the jungle, come from the highlands of southern Palawan Island, Philippines. They left their houses on stilts and their fields to escape typhoons and torrential rains that unleashed the monsoon. As every year, in August, they migrate to the mountains, come seek shelter near cliffs, caves breakthroughs, rocky canopies. We come together in the cave Signapan. What do we know of ? Let them settle here for five months, the time of the monsoon, these places they are familiar: the caverns are attended by the same families for generations; they are no longer a few thousand Ta ...

1Yr / A / F / Palawan

The Tao't Bato were officially discovered until the 1970s. Since the Tao't Bato live in a hidden valley one has no choice but to rise over the mountains. Roads do not exist and there will probably never be. The term "rock people" does not mean Stone Age people he refers to the fact that the Tao't Bato live in caves.

1Yr / A / F / Palawan

Palawan is home of Kagayanen, Tagbanua, Palawano, Taaw’t Bato, Molbog, Batak and Cuyonin Tribes who live in remote mountains and coastal areas. Each tribe has distinct dialects, customs and traditions and practices in farming.

To enable indigenous people communities to attain more stable and resilient levels of total production per unit area through proper rice farming system, the Agricultural Training Institute-Regional Training Center (ATI-RTC) IV-B conducted a Training on Upland Rice Production for Indigenous People last May 28-30, 2014 at RAC Site Training Hall, Bancal, Cuyo, Palawan. ...

1Yr / A / F / Batak People / Palawan

Culture Facts

Where: Singmapan Basin, Palawan, Philippines
Who: The Tau’t Batu people, the last discovered tribe in these islands
Visiting: Shamanic harvest festival is an amazing event to appreciate these haunting people

Where it’s At

The Singmapan Basin, in a remote corner of the Philippines, is where forested valleys make excellent trekking spots. The Basin is located on the island of Palawan, one of the least explored places in Asia and home to an underground river and by far the country’s best diving, in the Sulu Sea.

A Race Discovered

The Tau’t Batu, or ‘People ...

2Yr / A / F / Palawan

Introduction / History

The Tau't Bato are still practicing a primitive lifestyle. The men are still wearing G-strings made of bark and cloth while the women are wearing a skirt made of a piece of cloth to cover their lower body. Most of them are half naked, but because of the outside influence through trade, women are beginning to wear a blouse.

They live around cave dwellings in which they construct a house framework made of light and sturdy materials such as saplings. They make sleeping platforms and multi-purpose platforms to serve as floors or beds.

The Tau't Bato practice marriag ...

2Yr / A / F / Palawan

The swift death of three journalists was fresh in everyone’s minds. While in Singnapan Valley to film a documentary on the Tau’t Batu tribe, they had fallen ill to a mysteriously undiagnosed illness. Even at a top hospital in America, their illness remained unspecified. Within days, they were all dead.

Now, five months later, rumors swirl in Palawan. Some believe the Tau’t Batu had poisoned them. Others say it was a magic curse the Tau’t Batu are notorious for their voodoo prowess and others maintain they had died because they had visited the realm of the gods that is forbidden to h ...

2Yr / A / F / Palawan

Singnapan Valley in southern Palawan is a place I have wanted to visit for a long time now. It was a couple of years ago that I came across some images online of the Tau’t Bato tribe and it has intrigued me ever since. The remoteness of Singnapan valley is what first caught my attention and then the interesting stories that the people there live in large caves during the rainy season. Thus, their name Tau’t Bato Dwellers of the rock. There are a handful of travel blogs and some videos online of other foreigners and Filipinos making the trek to Singnapan.

This area is also home to Mount ...

3Yr / A / F / Palawan

Despite continued opposition by indigenous communities and the efforts of NGOs, indigenous federations like NATRIPAL (Nagkakaisang mga Tribu ng Palawan) and foreign academic institutions, government officials in the Philippines are deadest on letting mining companies have their way with the island of Palawan.

According to ALDAW (Ancestral Land/Domain Watch), one of several groups working to protect the UNESCSO Man and Biosphere Reserve:

On December 21, the Palawan Council for Sustainable Development (PCSD) [in the absence of the chair, NGO representative, and with the vice governor oppos ...

4Yr / A / F / Batak People / Ipilan Nickel Corp / ALDAW / Palawan / Mount Mantalingahan

Save the island of Palawan and its indigenous communities from destruction and pollution...this is the goal of a forum of missionaries, Christian communities, NGOs, and environmental groups who have launched a petition to prevent the destruction of one of the most beautiful islands in the Filipino archipelago, the island of Palawan.

As Fides has been informed by some of the missionaries involved in the forum, Palawan – a long island in the western part of the archipelago, in the South China Sea – is likely to be destroyed due to mining projects and extensive agriculture authorized by t ...

5Yr / A / F / Batak People / CNMEC Mining / Palawan

Tau't Bato tribal wedding ceremony. Palawan Island, Philippines. Young bride joins already big family as second wife.

6Yr / A / F / Palawan

The Indigenous Peoples of the Philippines. The Philippines is an archipelago and mountainous country approximately covering about 30 million hectares of land. It is comprised of 7,100 islands grouped along three geographical regions of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao that stretch from north to south.

With a population of 75 million, the country is also home to around 42 indigenous peoples groups who comprise approximately 10 – 12% of the total national populace.
Indigenous peoples of the Philippines were borne of colonial period. Strictly speaking, all Filipinos born in the Philippines can ...

11Yr / A / F / Aeta People / National / San Roque Dam

The Philippines is an archipelago and mountainous country approximately covering 30 million hectares of land surrounded by the Pacific, China and Celebes Seas. It comprises 7,100 islands with major islands grouped into three major geographical regions: Luzon in the north, Visayas in the central region, and Mindanao in the south.

It is home to around 140 ethnolinguistic groups who comprise more or less 10 to 12% of the total population of approximately 72 million Filipinos. Interchangeably, they are called “indigenous peoples” or “national minorities”. Unlike other indigenous peoples ...

11Yr / A / F / Aeta People / Climax Arimco Mining / National / Sierra Madre Mountains

Even though in 1992 the local government on the island of Palawan cancelled the concessions granted to logging companies (see WRM Bulletin 38) in an attempt to curb the destruction and degradation of the country's forests, it did not halt the threat to the integrity of the indigenous communities in the Philippines. There are also mining companies endeavouring to carry out their business in spite of the opposition of local communities and warnings about the environmental damage their activities will cause.

The project for the installation of a multi-million dollar nickel refinery, financed 9 ...

12Yr / A / F / Batak People / Nickel Asia Corp / PNNI / Palawan