Pak-kaat Kal-lo Festival

Magpet, Cotabato

Pak-kaat Kal-lo Festival is held every 5th to 6th of April. It is an annual celebration of a plenteous harvest of Manobo Tribe in Magpet, Cotabato every Lenten Season.

Pak-kaat Kal-lo Festival News

  • Magpet Cotabato Pakkaat Kallo

    Pak kaat Kallo is the annual feast of the Manobo tribal community of Magpet in celebration of a bountiful harvest. This is done during the Holy Week.

    "Manobo" or "Manuvu" means "person" or "people"; it may also have been originally "Mansuba" from man (person or people) and suba (river), hence meaning "river people." A third derivation is from "Banobo," the name of a creek that presently flows to Pulangi River about 2 km below Cotabato City. A fourth is from "man" meaning "first, aboriginal" and "tuvu" meaning "grow, growth." Manobo " is the hispanized form.

    The Manobo Belong to the origi ...